HOW TO SOUND GOOD ON A SOPRANO RECORDERAmsterdam - home of the best recorder players in the world! What is their secret? Watch this video to learn secrets from a master.
Your first RECORDER LESSON! | Team Recorder BASICSIf you can't wait for Mrs. Escueta's first recorder lesson..... Sarah Jeffrey is great and you can pause the video at any time. Here's...
What Music Teachers do in Summer...Participants in 2, 4, 8, 16 . . . An Orff Circle!,will Sing, Move, and Play the Orff way, through sequenced musical experiences with one...
Summer Holidays!We had a restful time in Maui, and now I'm ready to teach again. Went to the Mele Ukulele store, but can't find my picture. Saw the most...
On our way to playing songs on our ukulele!This week we started reading the open strings on the staff. This video introduces the staff, time signature, barlines and measures.
UKE can do it!Here's the first video we watched this week. In this lesson we learned: How to hold the ukulele Where to place the left hand thumb How to...
Fast Folk-Style Fingers on Recorder!Here's some fun, fast recorder playing at the start!!! The guitar player is great, too!!!